Resources on Hope for the Climate Crisis

Meenakshi Dewan tends to maintenance work on the solar street lighting in her village of Tinginaput, India. Photo © Abbie Trayler-Smith / Panos Pictures / Department for International Development

Hope Resources

  • Hope Matters - “Why evidence-based hope is a powerful tool” A book by: Elin Kelsey

  • A Few Resources About Hope in Challenging Times -"These are some resources that may help students position themselves in climate change work, from those focusing on types of denial to those explicitly about hope.” Contributed by Peter Friederici

  • Facing It Podcast - Episode 5 “Is Hope Over Rated?”- “This episode explores the complicated role of hope in the fight for a livable planet, and the different forms it takes in environmental debates.” By: Jennifer Atkinson

  • Radical Hope - Curriculum resources put together as a part of an international collaboration. Contributed by Elin Kelsey

  • Beyond Doom and Gloom: An Exploration Through Letters - “An initiative to shift beyond “doom and gloom,” and to create movement toward more hopeful, solutions-oriented environmental narratives.” Both an online virtual exhibit and an international journal. Edited and Contributed by Elin Kelsey

  • #OceanOptimism - A viral campaign that has reached over 90 millions shares since 2014. Co-created to share current real world examples of ocean conservation successes and solutions. For more about this crowd-sourcing approach to solutions gathering see this interview from the CBC in June 2020.