Narrative Resources for Navigating the Climate Crisis
Narrative Resources
Storying Climate Change At Appalachian State University - By Laura England, Jennie Carlisle, Rebecca Witter, Derek Davidson, Lynette Holman, and Dana Powell
Using Narrative in the Climate Change Classroom - How the use of climate fiction (cli-fi) can allow students to acknowledge, process, and express emotional responses to climate change. Includes a narrative non-fiction reading list. Contributed by Magdalena Maczynska
Another Gulf Is Possible - Video and website resource by Another Gulf Is Possible Collaborative. “Another Gulf Is Possible Collaborative is a women-of-color led, grassroots collaborative, centering on cultural organizing, arts-based healing, direct action, advocacy, transformative justice, education, and locally-led capacity-building training”.
Writing/Journal Exercise: Covid-19 Reflection - In this exercise participants are asked to reflect on how the Coronavirus pandemic might be able to lead to durable and positive social change. Contributed by Dr. Anya Galli Robertson
Hope Matters - “Why evidence-based hope is a powerful tool” A book by: Elin Kelsey
Just Wondering… - An interactive climate tool presentation that uses animated essays and stories. Created by Aron Nor, Mina Mimosa, and M. Moss