Resources for Climate Justice Pedagogy
Pedagogy Resources
Eco Leadership: The Power of the Circle - “This book gives educators practical tools to engage students. It focuses on teaching style rather than curriculum to empower teachers to include their own feelings, their sense of the interconnectedness of all life, and empowers them to let those themes help expand any curriculum to incorporate ecological principles.” By David Aubrey Berger.
Affective Pedagogies: Foregrounding Emotion in Climate Change Education - “This article addresses the psychic and emotional challenges associated with enabling learners to apprehend their role in, and vulnerability to, the evolving climate crisis.” By Audrey Bryan.
The Contemplative Pause: Insights for Teaching Politics in Turbulent Times - “Instructors in virtually every field are developing practices that encourage students to actively integrate their subjective experience into their objective learning. According to its proponents, the contemplative turn can enhance student attention, cognition, emotional wellbeing, and creativity, as well as reduce stress.” By Karen Liftin.
Person/Planet Politics: Contemplative Pedagogies for a New Earth - A reflective chapter, including classroom activities, by Karen Liftin. From New Earth Politics: Essays from the Anthropocene. Edited by Simon Nicholson and Sakina Jinnah.
Pop! Taking Learning Beyond the Classroom through Multimodal Pop-Up Events - This article describes three successful iterations of the multimodal pop-up: a short-term, spatially rendered, thematic exhibition designed by students for their community and hosted outside of the traditional space of the classroom. By: Magdalena Maczynska and Cecilia Feilla